Welcome to the Wonderful World of West Ham United Statistics

Game played on 08 Mar 1998

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Welcome to the Private memorabilia collection of theyflysohigh from Steve Marsh

Arsenal 1-1 West Ham

FA Cup round 6   1997-98
Highbury   38,077
( Premier League v. Premier League )
32Bernard Lama    
20Andy Impey    
17Stan Lazaridis    
4Steve Potts   
15Rio Ferdinand    
19Ian Pearce 1  
16John Moncur    
18Frank Jnr Lampard   
24Samassi Abou    
29Eyal Berkovic    
11Steve Lomas   
25Lee HodgesSubed #29   
hits 12596538

much respect to John Northcutt, Roy Shoesmith, Jack Helliar, John Helliar, Tony Hogg, Tony Brown, Fred Loveday, Andrew Loveday, Steve Bacon, Steve Marsh and all past/current West Ham players and supporters