Welcome to the Wonderful World of West Ham United Statistics

Game played on 31 Aug 1994

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Welcome to the Private memorabilia collection of theyflysohigh from Steve Marsh

West Ham 1-3 Newcastle United

Premier League    1994-95
Upton Park   17,375
1Ludek Miklosko    
2Tim Breacker    
33David Burrows    
4Steve Potts    
5Alvin Martin    
6Martin Allen    
10John Moncur    
8Peter Butler    
26Don Hutchison 1 (1 P) 
19Mike Marsh    
11Matt Holmes    
17Steve JonesSubed #6  
 PosTable as at 31 Aug 1994PlWHDH LHFHAHWADALA FAAAPts
1Newcastle United42 009120 06212
2Manchester United42 005011 02110
3Nottingham Forest41 102120 03110
4Liverpool31 003020 0819
5Chelsea32 005010 0329
6Tottenham Hotspur41 012220 0749
7Blackburn Rovers42 007002 0118
8Leeds United41 013311 0217
9Manchester City42 007000 2066
10Aston Villa40 202211 0326
11Norwich City41 101001 1025
12Sheffield Wednesday40 113410 1334
13Arsenal41 103000 2044
14Queens Park Rangers41 014401 1134
15Ipswich Town40 021411 0324
16Wimbledon40 111201 1142
17Crystal Palace40 022802 0112
18Southampton40 111301 1262
19Everton40 113400 2161
20Leicester City40 112400 2041
21West Ham United40 111300 2041
22Coventry City40 111200 2081
hits 12597664

much respect to John Northcutt, Roy Shoesmith, Jack Helliar, John Helliar, Tony Hogg, Tony Brown, Fred Loveday, Andrew Loveday, Steve Bacon, Steve Marsh and all past/current West Ham players and supporters